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June 1, 2015

Innovative guide suggests how to make more of chastity for men

AN INNOVATIVE guide to chastity for men has been published – providing guidance for those either getting started or wanting to know more about one of the major (but still relatively silent) sexual trends of the 21st century.

The Key to Life: How to Get More Out of Chastity for Men has come from UK-based erotic writer Christopher Charlton. The 58,000-word guide is published by EmOhErotica and is initially available in Kindle format to download from Amazon.

Chris, who has had a personal interest in the psychology of sexual denial since his undergraduate days, says the book idea emerged after he was asked to give a talk about the subject at an event in the United States in 2014.

‘The interest was so great that afterwards I was being asked if I would make the material more widely available, so I said yes,’ Chris explained.

‘So many guys asked for recommendations about what devices to get, but making such a choice is not easy because so many more factors than size have to be identified and taken into account. It’s not a question anyone can answer in a single sentence.’

The pioneering book cites personal experiences – and includes advice and thoughts from guys who have themselves been in chastity as well as those who make such requests.

‘Many guys are unclear about what chastity actually means,’ said Chris. ‘Some think it is about simply preventing penetrative sex while others consider it to be the denial – or restriction – of orgasm. Others want the sex organs to be entirely beyond reach.’

In the book, Chris Charlton also considers the differences between ‘saving yourself’ for a sexual partner using willpower and self control alone or choosing one of the many devices now available.

The advent of the internet and the development of materials technology to allow laser cutting of steel more cheaply have, he said, contributed to the demand for such devices – and the manufacturers ready to supply them.

‘Many, especially the cheaper ones available online, may be counterfeit reproductions that deny the designers the returns they deserve for their creativity and ingenuity,’ said Chris, ‘and poor quality materials can mean they can irritate the skin or break very quickly.

‘A poor experience can turn someone away from a very exciting activity before they have really learned to appreciate it,’ he added, ‘so finding designs that are adjustable to every individual shape and way of life is crucially important.’

The Key to Life also includes information about the pros and potential cons of chastity for both physical and mental health as well as guidance for those who hold keys and critical safety advice to avoid turning an emergency into an expensive or dangerous disaster.

While initially written with gay men in mind, Chris quickly found that the sexual orientation of men who were interested – or being encouraged to become interested – in chastity was irrelevant.

‘Being safe, sensible and consensual requires thought,’ he said, ‘and this basic guide covers many of factors that both partners should consider from the outset.’

Chris Charlton, 59, is a journalist and author whose works include homo-erotic fiction and covering health. He has worked as a health educator and communications consultant.
